In the month of June 1953, a Missionary Group was formed at 310 W. 43rd Street in Chicago, IL under the leadership of Rev. Clarence L. Brookins. Services were held every Sunday afternoon, and as the mission group increased in number there grew a need for a church to be established. Therefore, in the month of September of 1953 a body of ministers was called together to organize this body of believers and ‘New Foundation Baptist Church’ was started with Rev. Clarence L. Brookins as its Pastor. As the church continued to grow, there grew a need for a church home and New Foundation Baptist Church settled down at 38th and South State Street (Chicago). While here, different auxiliaries were organized, such as: a Sunday School Department, Choir, Usher Board, and others. However, due to reconstruction and demolition in the area of the church, New Foundation relocated and found a temporary home at a funeral home that was located at 49th and South State Street (Chicago). Later, with the prayers of Pastor Brookins and the Lord’s blessings, New Foundation moved to 48th and South Champlain Avenue (Chicago), where it shared a fellowship with Rev. Johnson and Zion Temple Baptist Church. With the help of Rev. Johnson, New Foundation relocated to 540 East 43rd Street (Chicago) and while here, the church began a weekly radio broadcast over radio station WEDC, becoming the first black church to broadcast over that station.
Three churches were birth out of New Foundation while at 540 East 43rd Street, and as the church continued to grow, once again it needed to relocate to accommodate the growing congregation and New Foundation found a home at 4620 South Cottage Grove Avenue (Chicago). Later, Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church and New Foundation joined together as one church and moved to 4315 South Cottage Grove Avenue (Chicago). However, after 2 years the churches dissolved due to merging conflicts in 1964 and New Foundation changed its name to ‘True Foundation Missionary Baptist Church.’ Through the faithful contributions of its members, True Foundation moved to Tabernacle Center where the church held a weekly broadcast every Sunday evening from 7 – 8 pm over radio station WSBC. From there, the church relocated to 7427-35 South Cottage Grove Avenue (Chicago) where it remained for several years until it moved to its present location of 8801 South Normal Avenue (Chicago) in 1982, and once again, the name was changed to ‘True Foundation Church-Baptist.’ In June of 2001, True Foundation merged with Transformation Ministries under the pastorate of Rev Dr. Larry A. Brookins, Dr. C.L.’s son, and the name was once again changed to what it is called today, ‘True Foundation Transformation Church,’ and as Dr. C.L. retired in November of 2002, Rev. Dr. Larry A. Brookins, now Bishop Larry A. Brookins, became the Pastor of these joint churches, and the church continues to flourish in many ways to the glory of God, purchasing a house, which became an educational building, and other surrounding properties enabling the church to have adequate parking spaces for its worshippers.
In the tradition of the church, True Foundation continued its outreach through radio broadcasting over several stations and later expanding to television, currently telecasting over Chicago Cable TV Channel 36 every Wednesday night from 9:30 – 10:30 pm and Thursdays from 11:30 am – 12:30 pm for well over 30 years now. From the leadership of Dr. C.L. Brookins to Bishop Larry A. Brookins, the vision and the work of the church continues from one generation to the next, as souls are still being added to the church, and the body of Christ is still being edified through preaching, and teaching, and fellowship, and outreach, and it does not yet appear what the future has in store through the ministries of True Foundation Transformation Church. God be praised!